Tag Archives: Type II diabetes

Behaviour changes

In my years of practice, I have not seen such incredible results with my clients as with Metabolic Balance. Yes, they loose weight and body fat, but they also look and feel incredible. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about Type II diabetes, heart disease and Syndrome X.

Because the foods which are allowed are specific to your make up – it just works

Anyone can stick to an eating plan for a while, but one of the most important things is to change your behaviour towards food and eating. This is the key to long term success and this is what I coach you on in tandem with with making dietary and lifestyle changes.

For example:

  • Eat slowly
  • Say NO! This is not your last meal ever and there will be another opportunity to have a slice of chocolate cake
  • Always keep your goal in mind
  • Think of your health and weight as a savings account. Every time you spend £20 on something you don’t need you are slowing down the process of going on the trip of your lifetime. Same with eating rubbish food – you are just slowing down the process of looking and feeling fabulous
  • Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve had a cupcake, enjoy it, but know that was enough sugar and refined carbs to keep you going for a week and you don’t need more sugar!

Your success depends not on willpower, but your hormones and behaviour could be jeopardising your efforts.

see more information on www.london-metabolic-balance.com

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Filed under harley street nutrition, Sune Connell