Tag Archives: metabolic balance

Behaviour changes

In my years of practice, I have not seen such incredible results with my clients as with Metabolic Balance. Yes, they loose weight and body fat, but they also look and feel incredible. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about Type II diabetes, heart disease and Syndrome X.

Because the foods which are allowed are specific to your make up – it just works

Anyone can stick to an eating plan for a while, but one of the most important things is to change your behaviour towards food and eating. This is the key to long term success and this is what I coach you on in tandem with with making dietary and lifestyle changes.

For example:

  • Eat slowly
  • Say NO! This is not your last meal ever and there will be another opportunity to have a slice of chocolate cake
  • Always keep your goal in mind
  • Think of your health and weight as a savings account. Every time you spend £20 on something you don’t need you are slowing down the process of going on the trip of your lifetime. Same with eating rubbish food – you are just slowing down the process of looking and feeling fabulous
  • Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve had a cupcake, enjoy it, but know that was enough sugar and refined carbs to keep you going for a week and you don’t need more sugar!

Your success depends not on willpower, but your hormones and behaviour could be jeopardising your efforts.

see more information on www.london-metabolic-balance.com

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Who can benefit from Metabolic Balance?

Everyone! It never seizes to amaze me how profound the effects are of this program. Not only do patients loose weight that they have been struggling with for ages, but their blood pressure comes down, their heart rates slow down, sleeping is a dream (no pun intended) and they realise how little food they need to feel satisfied. Although the portions are small, the food choices are of high biological value and keeps you full! YouThe metabolism is in balance and therefore so many other aspects of health just falls into place.

Patients are taking responsibility for their health, preparing their own food and adopting a great attitude to food and to eating. They realise how much they would snack at times when they really weren’t hungry – but bored or stressed or frustrated. These factors are life changing and in fact could save your life!

It’s a lifestyle choice and the best insurance you could ever invest in! Metabolic Balance

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Filed under hormone balancing, metabolic balance, Sune Connell, weight loss

Four phases of Metabolic Balance®

So you are interested in embarking on Metabolic Balance® here is how it all works:

Prior to beginning the program, you will have your blood drawn at our Harley Street clinic.   Thirty-five different analyses are performed on the blood.  Lab results are coupled with information obtained from you in person regarding height, weight, measurements, diseases, food allergies, medications and food likes/dislikes. This information helps our professionals in Germany identify the foods that are right for your metabolism.  It is very specific and even identifies what time of the day it is beneficial to eat the foods.

After blood analysis Metabolic Balance®determines a list of foods that will retrain and optimize your metabolism.  Metabolic Balance is an easy to follow, four-phase program coupled with a healthy diet and nutrition plan offering individualised coaching and education.

Phase One of the Metabolic Balance® All Natural Weight Loss Program is a gentle cleansing phase that lasts just two days.

Phase Two is the pivotal point of the program. During this time, participants are restricted to the foods on their customised list while their metabolism is trained and optimised for peak performance.  Phase Two is only 14 days long and is a balanced program of foods including proteins, vegetables, starches, and fruits.  This is not a calorie counting, point counting or deprivation diet. We don’t like to call it a diet, but a retraining of how to eat the right foods for YOU, for life, to balance your hormones.

After 14 days, participants can choose to move to Phase Three.

During Phase Three, the food list is expanded a bit and oils are re-introduced into the diet.  Phase Three also allows one deviation or “cheat” meal per week (maximally) to build some flexibility into the program.  Participants stay on Phase 3 until they reach their goal weight, so the length of Phase Three is dependent on how much weight you want to lose.

Phase Four is as important as Phase Two. During Phase Four- Maintenance, I work with you to take the program from a “diet” to a “way of life.”  On Phase Four, I assist you as you experiment with foods and learn which you can reintroduce with moderation and which foods must be restricted from your menu. By following a few rules and monitoring your weight, you will learn how to live this new healthy life style.

The Metabolic Balance Program
® is very healthy. It is rewarding to see many of my clients eliminate the need for medications for such things as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

It’s a lifestyle choice!

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Metabolic Balance®

In my years of practice as a nutritional therapist I have helped many people loose weight successfully through diet and lifestyle changes. I have seen diets come and go as I am sure you have, and as I am sure you have tried many. I don’t like using the word ‘diet’ it sounds like it has a beginning and a definitive end, meaning that as soon as you are ‘off your diet’ you can go back to your old wicked wicked ways.

If there was a magic bullet or magic pill it would make someone very rich indeed, for we are officially in the middle of a obesity epidemic. Two in four Americans have Type II diabetes, children are getting fatter and we are getting more ill everyday due to poor dietary and lifestyle choices.

The bad news is that there is not a magic pill or bullet, but the good news is that there is help out there and you CAN change things around. You CAN alter your metabolism in order too lower your cholesterol, loose weight, lower your blood pressure, prevent Type II diabetes and most of all look and feel AMAZING!

The kind of diets that the majority of people follow contain way too much carbohydrates and sugar, food is depleted of essential nutrients, protein and phytonutrients. These foods stimulate the production of insulin which is our main metabolic hormone and too much of this hormone can have negative consequences to our health, body and weight.

So, does food affect our hormones? I will have to say YES, because the kind of food you eat can affect insulin production and have an effect on 30 other hormones in your body.

Through adjusting your metabolism with the aid of your own personal metabolic-balance® program you can regulate your weight healthily and naturally as well as strengthen your metabolism gently and permanently.

Is this the magic bullet we have been waiting for? The proof is already in the skinny puddings who have embarked on the program and are experiencing the benefits everyday.

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