Tag Archives: Nutritionist Harley Street

Why exercise is important and the role of insulin

In a nutshell, every time you eat, your pancreas releases insulin which acts like a taxi and transports the glucose released from food to where it needs to be. Some of it is used for immediate energy, some goes to the liver for later use and some goes to muscles and other body tissues. Now if you have well trained muscles, they will be very effective in receiving these calories, because they need them for energy, however if you are a couch potatio and can’t spell the word ‘lady push-up’ the chances are those extra calories from food will be stored as fat.

Bottom line – get up and start flexing those guns. That’s one of the reasons why athletes can ‘eat what they want’

The metabolic balance plan helps to keep your insulin and blood sugar in tight rein, prevents dips, cravings and excess consumption of food therefore less fat storage.

How hard are your muscles working?

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Filed under hormone balancing, metabolic balance, nutritionist City London, Sune Connell, weight loss

Metabolic Balance®

In my years of practice as a nutritional therapist I have helped many people loose weight successfully through diet and lifestyle changes. I have seen diets come and go as I am sure you have, and as I am sure you have tried many. I don’t like using the word ‘diet’ it sounds like it has a beginning and a definitive end, meaning that as soon as you are ‘off your diet’ you can go back to your old wicked wicked ways.

If there was a magic bullet or magic pill it would make someone very rich indeed, for we are officially in the middle of a obesity epidemic. Two in four Americans have Type II diabetes, children are getting fatter and we are getting more ill everyday due to poor dietary and lifestyle choices.

The bad news is that there is not a magic pill or bullet, but the good news is that there is help out there and you CAN change things around. You CAN alter your metabolism in order too lower your cholesterol, loose weight, lower your blood pressure, prevent Type II diabetes and most of all look and feel AMAZING!

The kind of diets that the majority of people follow contain way too much carbohydrates and sugar, food is depleted of essential nutrients, protein and phytonutrients. These foods stimulate the production of insulin which is our main metabolic hormone and too much of this hormone can have negative consequences to our health, body and weight.

So, does food affect our hormones? I will have to say YES, because the kind of food you eat can affect insulin production and have an effect on 30 other hormones in your body.

Through adjusting your metabolism with the aid of your own personal metabolic-balance® program you can regulate your weight healthily and naturally as well as strengthen your metabolism gently and permanently.

Is this the magic bullet we have been waiting for? The proof is already in the skinny puddings who have embarked on the program and are experiencing the benefits everyday.

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